Dark Matter
True Name: Unkown | Occupation: Bounty Hunter |
Race: Unknown |
Atomic Abilities |
Unending Powers |
Age: Unknown |
Gender: Unknown |
Height: Changing |
Weight: Changing |
Skin: Changing |
Hair Color: Changing |
Eye Color: Changing |
Changing Tattoos |
Changing Deformities |
Changing Abnormalities |
Powers and Extra
Force Field |
Circular Vision |
Extradimensional |
Energy Absorption |
Physical Absorption |
Darkforce Manipulation |
Catalytic Control |
Shadowcasting |
Magic Disruption |
Cosmic Awareness |
Self-Revival |
Shapeshifting |
Dimension Travel |
Atomic Manipulation |
Abnormal Talents
Martial Supremacy |
Iron Will |
Unbounded Physical Ability |
Resist Domination |
Galactic Lore |
Weapons Master |
Crulank Martial Art |
Irukatta Martial Art |
Fverinalsciat Martial Art |
Espionage |
Physics Knowledge |
High Intelligence |
Fast Wits |
Physical Description
No one knows what Dark Matter truly looks like. Whenever he is seen he is in a different form, being able to shapeshift. It is rumored, however, that he looks like humanoid wisps of dark impeneratable smoke. |
Dark Matter uses whatever he wants and needs to use, being able to trasform himself into anything. He will often create various weapons from his body. However, he very often fights with only his hands, which are more deadly on him than any weapon. |
Little is known about the mysterious bounty hunter who has dubbed himself "Dark Matter." He constantly changes shapes at will in order to defeat his prey, and his physical prowess seems infinite. He has never lost in a fight in his known life. He is also extremely intelligent and has great insight, but unlike his strength his mental prowess does know boundaries. This seems the only way he is ever able to lose. However, he has only failed in a mission once before, against the intergalactic menace Mind Ravager, who defeated Dark Matter by tricking him into entering a strange pocket dimension. Daark Matter does have the ability to use dimensional travel, but his surroundings were so strange that he had no idea where he was. Traveling to a random dimension is exceedingly dangerous, even for a so-called god, and so by the time Dark Matter had escaped his prison his charge was long gone and he had lost his mission. Otherwise, Dark Matter has been successful in capturing many of the most dangerous villains throughout the galaxy. His latest charge is a technology thief named Mustafah who seems to be a big crime lord in the Milky Way area. Humans have always been easy capture, however. |